Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Oil prices are painful! $4 a gallon is outrageous- there is no way we will be able to continue our daily routine as prices are skyrocketing.
These prices aren't just hurting when you are filling up your over-sized vehicle at the Shell station, business use oil for transporting their goods, school buses use oil to get the kids to school. The increased spending in these areas are passed on to....you guessed it...you!
So how do we fix this? Senators are allowing drilling expansion in Central Mexico and offshore in Santa Barbara, but is increased drilling really the best solution? Where will we be when we've exhausted these sources? On the oil-stained beach watching the sun set behind the oil rigs?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

Celebrate by using less electricity, walking, biking, or driving your electric car, plant a tree or recycling. Show gratitude for the beauty of our earth by reducing your impact. Remember, Earth Day may be recognized one day out of the year but green living can be a state of mind.

I found more pics of Zap vehicles on flicker. These are from the Zap warehouse in Santa Rosa, CA

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Zebra Wheels!

Zero Air Pollution Vehicles (ZAP) is a rad company looking to give drivers an alternative energy option. Zap makes cars, scooters, trucks, ATVs powered by electricity. Recently I took a Xebra for a test drive, a 3-wheeled electric car.
The Xebra has a cd player, heater, AC and seats 4 people. The car is street legal, actually classified as a motorcycle! They are so quiet, I didn't even know whether it was on or not, compare that to a growling Ford 350!
Best thing about the Xebra, you never have to go to a gas station. Plug it in, it will be fully charged within 6 hours.
Xebra's are electric cars meant for driving around town, NOT on the freeway. Zap cars might not meet all your needs for transportation, speak to a dealer to make sure a Xebra is right for you.

Kudos to Companies

Sector Nine: Awesome skateboard company, fully dedicated to reduce their carbon footprint while creating great products buyers can feel good about!
*Supports wind energy
* Run vehicles off 100% vegetable oil
* build boards out of bamboo
Check em out www.sector9.com

Element Skateboards/Elemental Awareness: Inspires young people to protect our planet, increase environmental awareness and raise self-esteem in youth.
*tours of skateboard factories
*teach wilderness survival
*ancient & modern life skills
*Nature Skate Contest Series
www.elemental awareness.com

Portable Solar Panels

Save money on electricity and batteries by using portable solar panels to charge your gadgets! Cell phones, laptops, ipods, what-have-you.
These fold-out panels weight 19 ounces and sell for under $100. I found one for $50!
Sweet Deal :)


Off-shore drilling

The gnarly affects of off-shore drilling:
-destroy kelp beds, reefs and coastal wetlands.
-dumps 25,000 pounds of toxic metals into ocean
-Pollutes the air as much as 7,000 cars driving 50 miles a day, a steady stream of pollution from offshore rigs causes a wide range of health and reproductive problems for fish and other marine life.


stop destructive developement

Fans of mother nature joined together to protest Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) from extending the 241 toll road to six lanes wide, paving over 60% of San Onofre park and endangering the water quality of San Mateo Creek.
Clint Eastwood on Saving San Onofre: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZcsFEkepv0&feature=related

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The cost of going electric

Converting your car to electric costs about $8,000. (Not to mention the $ you'll save on gas every year!) Not too pricey, a good option if you want to keep the luxury of your current car.